"The days passed happily with me wherever my ship sailed." - Joshua Slocum

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Riverview Park - the latest target

Here are some comments from residents in the Riverview Terrace area. It looks like the vandals are at it again. Marking pens seem to be the culprit this time. Anyone for a stronger anti-graffiti city ordinance? Is the City listening?? A lot of this vandalism seems to be "skateboarder" related. Too bad the boarders don't have someplace convenient to go and occupy their time. This is costing us a lot more than it would have to repair the skateboard park.
..Ross Sagun

"A Mom in the Benicia Moms Club recently forwarded a link to your blog, and I have found it really interesting because I live close to your neighborhood (in Benicia Terrace). My husband and I have been very frustrated over the past few years because the park in our neighborhood (up in front of Riverhill Road) is constantly vandalized and strewn with broken glass (the most blatent offense being when each and every garbage can in the park was burned out - still not fixed). We used to take our kids up there but every single Saturday my husband would have to go up and remove graffiti and sweep up broken glass before we could visit. It feels like that park is overlooked by city staff (and I have to say that I don't blame them because it seems like the minute something is cleaned up it is destroyed again)."

Message"I haven't been there in a few weeks now (we don't go as often as we do to other city parks because of the condition). My experience is that there is always broken glass in the little concrete "roundabout" that is up by the downtown overlook."

"I went up to the park today and was reminded immediately of why I don't go there often. There was broken glass in the playground bark (yes, IN the bark) although it wasn't in its usual place, which is the cement roundabout by the downtown overlook. There were profane pictures and obscene graffiti written on the slide and the other play equipment."

"It's so frustrating. I remember that when the new Water's End park was opened about a year ago, we went on the second day and someone had defaced the brand new playstructure (within the first 48 hours of it being open). It's just totally demoralizing."

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