Thank you for taking the time to respond to our neighborhood's concerns. We all realize the funding challenges facing the City. However, you yourself stated that the City of Benicia committed to the voters that Measure C would be used for pot hole repair. I challenge anyone to point out a street in Benicia that is as well-traveled as East O from East 5th to East 3rd that is in worse condition.
We are talking about two blocks. Mr. Wadsworth, the City's Public Works Director, stated himself on 9/19/16 that the street has "failed". While Southampton Road from Panorama to Hastings is an important artery and needs some repairs, it has not failed. EAST O HAS FAILED.
We urge you and the City to keep your promise to voters to use the funds we voted in for the purpose for which they were intended. To do otherwise would not be fulfilling of the City of Benicia's responsibility to our City's residents and voters.
We happily noted your commitment to get the discussion rolling within City Hall. We are anxiously awaiting some results. Getting a failed street fixed shouldn't be this difficult.
On 9/21/2016 11:00 AM, Elizabeth Patterson wrote:
Some people also state all or most of Measure C - thanks to all who voted for our one cent sales tax - can be used for streets. But that would break our promise of maintaing city services, public safety, parks (library) and fixing pot holes. We are and will spend some of Measure C on streets, but there is not is not enough in the tax revenues to cover all the needs. We knew that when we adopted the resolution and anyone who says the Measure C is enough to fix all our roads is wrong.