"The days passed happily with me wherever my ship sailed." - Joshua Slocum

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Using web presence to thwart graffiti

Here is a great example of how one police department, the Glendale, AZ Police Department, uses the web to combat their graffiti problem. As you can see, they are making arrests. This effective strategy could easily be implemented by the City of Benicia. I hope the City considers developing something similar.

- Ross Sagun

City of Glendale - Police - Graffiti Busters Most Wanted

The Glendale Police Department is asking the residents of Glendale for assistance in preventing graffiti throughout the City as well as catching graffiti vandals. The following photos represent some of the existing graffiti incidents that the Police Department is currently pursuing. Do you recognize any of these tags? Do you have information on who is responsible? If so, please CLICK HERE and submit a tip online. If you are witnessing the graffiti being applied now, please contact the Glendale Police Department immediately at (623) 930-3000.

Need to have graffiti removed? Click here to submit a removal request online.

Graffiti Busters Most Wanted
Graffiti Busters Most Wanted

NEW! Suspect Arrested. Click here for more info.
Graffiti Busters Most Wanted
Graffiti Busters Most Wanted
Graffiti Busters Most Wanted
Graffiti Busters Most Wanted

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