"The days passed happily with me wherever my ship sailed." - Joshua Slocum

Monday, July 21, 2008

What is the strategy? Meeting tonight - please attend

Dear Fellow Neighbor:

I hope that you will attend the meeting with the City this evening, 7/21/08, at 6pm, at the corner of East 3rd and St. Augustine.

Like you, my time is precious and I don’t like wasting it. I don’t think we want to listen to the City tell us that “Everything is under control” or “We are doing the best we can”. If this were the case, we would'nt be having this meeting. I think we want to hear about a real strategy and how it is being implemented. If you share this viewpoint, let’s actively seek the answers that we deserve.

• What is the police department's and the City's specific strategy to alleviate these problems?

• How much graffiti does the City abate annually? What is the cost to the City?

• California State Law prohibits sale of spray paint to minors. Has the City recently reminded Benicia retailers of existing statutes?

• How many vandalism arrests has Benicia PD made? How many were prosecuted and convicted?

• When was the last graffiti- implement "sting" operation, as is done for alcohol sales, conducted in Benicia? Is one being planned?

• What progress has been made regarding the development of an informational campaign for local students through the DARE Program reminding them about the consequences of graffiti offenses?

• Has the Benicia Police Department ever pursued the option of requesting a delayed or suspended driver's license for graffiti offenders as provided by state law?

• What is being done to strengthen the Benicia Municipal Code with regard to graffiti offenses and possession of graffiti implements, as other cities and counties have done (e.g. Santa Cruz County)?

• What consideration is being given to improving neighbor-friendly lighting along the pathway?

• What progress is being made to repair the fencing around the tunnel entrances?

• What is the Benicia PDs policy regarding documenting graffiti offenses? How many have we had?

• What is the disposition of the tree removal and/or trimming and sidewalk repair?

Thanks again for your participation and support. – Ross Sagun

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